Daily, Weekly, Monthly Safety Checklist for your School Playground
Let Them Play!
(But Safely!)
Your school or church playground is probably the kids’ favorite place to be. They get to run around, enjoy the fresh air, play games, get creative, learn and have fun. They get to be kids.
You installed a playground for all of these reasons. The good news is that with the proper care and maintenance, the play equipment should be able to provide years of fun for generations to come and also keep them safe.
Kids Get Hurt, But Not if You Can Help It!
Kids are bound to get hurt. Accidents happen and children play with vigor and often a lack of boundaries.
However, by doing what you can to maintain the safety of your play space, you can help reduce the number of injuries and increase the amount of fun and enjoyment!
We’ve put together a “School Playground Safety Checklist” for you that can be used daily, weekly and monthly to ensure that you’ve done all you can to create a safe environment for your playground visitors. Print it out and start checking off the list today!
At Midstates Recreation, we take safety very seriously.
When we partner with you to design a new playground or update a play space, you can rest assured that we provide the highest-quality equipment. Our designers also have the knowledge and experience to create a space that is fun and exciting while also meeting all safety protocols.
Watch this quick video about how Midstates Recreation can partner with you!
Midstates Recreation is the Partner You Need for Your Playground Project
We would love to partner with you to create the safe and innovative destination play space that you want to achieve!